
Sea trip's 

Natural Reserve Wadi el Gemal 

Visit the stunning nature reserve Wadi El Gemal  with us and enjoy it's beautiful views! We take you on a private jeep safari and show you the most interesting place the park has to offer. Don't forget your camera! Of course we will share delicious food and brew you a coffee or tea bedouin style! Contact us now for more information!


Return trip     €80 (food and drinks included)

Wadi el Gemall trip 

By jeep safari full day included lunch .round 6 hours in interesting natural dessert of red sea. 

Price 50 $ per person .

Hollo dear:) we offer you best bout 's tour's.

Hollo dear:) we offer you best bout 's tour's.

Sataya dolphen  50€ pex.

Hamata islands  45 € pex.

Marsa samaday  45 € pex. 

Shuhab marsa Alam  40€ pex.

Marsa Mubarak  35 € pex.

About dababb beach 25€ pex.

Marsa asalaya  10 € pex.

Marsa Egla  10 €   pex.

Full day from 8:00 Am  to 16 :00 pm 

Including  transports and lunch and water ; coca cola .

This price for one person .

Wish see you soon !

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