
Desert Trips

Ride into the desert

Egypt's desert is big. Very big. And very diverse, would you know! Let us show you it's beauty and treasures a whole day and be surprised! 


€100 p.p. drinks and food included

Ride that camel!

Marsa Alam Fox Tours offers you a sunny camel tour is the beautiful desert for 3 whole hours. Discover nature with us! Whether you want to take a relaxed ride or speed things up, the view from this high legged mammal is unforgettable.  Contact us now!


€40 p.p.

Quad Safari

A 3 hour quad tour in the amazing desert with a stop at an authentic Bedouin tent where you are offered tea, coffee and sisha. This is going to be trip that you won't forget! Book now!


€35 p.p. (drinks and sisha included)

Camping desrt nights .if you in Egypt you have to enjoy the desrt time .doing one over day with pickup car at 14:30 pm drive 100 km in  desrt looking nice places. Oasis .mouintens.well's natoural  .bedwen life ..dinnar . Night in tend undre  stars .camping over night .shisha .cafe .tea .brake fast. Go back to hotel at 7:00 morning one person 100 $ per night trip.

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