
Airport Shuttle Service

Price List

Following prices are based on the distance in km from Marsa Alam Airport to your hotel destination. Prices are based on a maximum of 3 passengers, all taxes included.

Hurghada Airport

Hurgada Airport to any hotel in Marsa Alam:

Price between ...                60 €  to 100€,

depending on distance.

Minibus .

From.Hurgada air port                         240$  

2 ways .in 5 person to 9 person with lageddg.

From. air port marsa allam.                   99$ 

2 ways in 2- 3 person.              

Loxur  120$ per one way 

Aswan 150$per one way 

Cairo 200$ per one way 

Shalatin  150 per 2 wwy's

Hollo dear' s 

This prices for full car from 1 -3 persons

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